As part of the EDUCIRC2022 project, on Friday 17.05.2024. year, representative of the project team Assoc.Prof. Simonida Vukadinović visited the City Landfill of Novi Sad, which is managed by PUC “Čistoća”. Novi Sad represents one of the best examples of good practice with a particularly high potential of a recycling yard that should start operating in a few days. This company applies a circular business model, and based on conversations with company representatives, we learned that the recycling yard is in the process of obtaining a storage permit. On the amount of waste that goes to the separation hall, 8-12% is allocated daily waste. Most municipal waste is directly disposed of in landfills. The regional landfill still needs to be built, it should be finished in 2027.
The meeting was held with the manager of the complex, which was organized and conducted by a member of the project team, Simonida Vukadinović. At the very beginning, Assoc.Prof. Simonida Vukadinović emphasized the importance of the project, presented the activities so far and the plan of activities for the project in the coming period, but also pointed out that part of the project activities is particularly focused on rural regions of the Republic of Serbia.
More information about business: ЈКП ,,Чистоћа,,