Participation in the discussion on the principle of justice in the development of the world economy, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands

Within Work Package 1, it is planned to analyze global trends and their impact on the green transition and the transition to a circular economic model in different countries, with a special focus on countries that are not at the highest level of development. Regardless of the global problems that are ongoing and whose impacts are yet to be expected, based on other people’s experiences, valuable knowledge can already be gained about the possible path of the green transition of the Republic of Serbia and the challenges that may appear along the way.

The event was attended by 60 participants from numerous countries around the world.

During this event, the experiences of the countries of South America and Mexico, as well as countries from other parts of the world, were presented, and it turned out that there are certain similarities regarding the management of natural resources and the current state of the economy. It was pointed out the great importance of enabling fairness during future economic development in countries that strive to improve their economic position and the quality of life of their citizens.

Examples are given of uncontrolled exploitation of natural resources in certain countries (whose representatives point to the emergence of neocolonialism), which leads to the deterioration of living conditions in rural areas and endangerment of the environment. It was pointed out the need for the green transition to be planned fairly, with the participation of citizens in defining policies for the future, and the importance of youth participation was especially pointed out.

The issue of energy and food production (which originates predominantly from rural areas) was defined by the participants as an issue of the highest priority for future economic development that must be planned especially carefully during the green transition, with an insistence on the development of national policies that are based on the principles of socio-ecological justice.

Prof. Dr. Mirjana Radovanović presented the project and the basic specifics of the green transition of the Republic of Serbia, and participated in the discussion.