Promotion of the project in Čumić

On 11.10.2023. as part of the Second Workshop entitled “Circular economy in rural areas: youth and women as a factor of village development”, the promotion of the EDUCIRC2022 project was carried out in the village of Čumić, in the municipality of Kragujevac. The promotion at the elementary school “Prota Mateja Nenadović” was attended by the locals, mostly women and young people, because the elementary school is the central point for carrying out many activities in the village. During the promotion, participants were introduced to the basic reasons for the implementation of this project, its goals and outcomes, as well as the importance and potential that the introduction of the circular economy concept has on life in rural areas. The village of Čumić is located in the heart of Šumadija, with a long history and successful development. The workshop was covered by TV Kragujevac. TV report can be viewed at the following link:

Report from TV Kragujevac on the realization of project activities in Čumić