Technology Transfer Training, AWI, Alfred Wegener Institut


The project does not include trips outside of Serbia, but Educons University successfully cooperates with its partners from the Horizon call, both in the implementation of projects and in connecting with new partners. As part of a visit to the Alfred Wegener Institute, on the island of Heligoland, colleague Assoc.Prof. Andrea Andrejević Panić, as a workshop participant, presented the EDUCIRC2022 project to colleagues from the Office for Technology Transfer   Elimar Precht, and colleagues from the Office for Researcher Support and the Office for Projects, Imke Fries and Luisa Cristini, as well as participants of the center of excellence POGO (Partnership for the observation of the global ocean) during the visit, where we were introduced by the head of the center Barbel Wichmann. Our hosts, colleagues from the Institute, Anna Bergmann and Sebastian Primpke, also showed great interest in the project topic.