Promotion of the project within the education of advisers on gender equality in agriculture, Sremska Kamenica


Before the start of the Workshop, a meeting was held with the following composition:

Julkica Simić, independent adviser in the Provincial Secretariat for Agriculture, Water Management and Forestry, Novi Sad.

Ivana Pejović – Ševrt, undersecretary of the Provincial Secretariat for Agriculture, Water Management and Forestry, Novi Sad.

Prof. Dr. Natalija Bogdanov, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, Zemun.

Olivera Vuković, executive director of the SeCons organization, Belgrade.

Prof. Dr. Olivera Nikolić, University of Education in Sremska Kamenica, member of the project team.

Prof. Dr. Mirjana Radovanović, Educons University in Sremska Kamenica, head of the project team.

From April 1, 2024, Educons University, by the decision of the Provincial Secretariat for Agriculture, Water Management and Forestry, performs the tasks of the Center for the training of agricultural advisors and employees of PSS APV. As part of the realization of the work program of the Center, an education was organized on the topic of gender sensitization of counseling and a meeting of the participants and organizers of the education was arranged. During the meeting, the possibility of encouraging the work of advisors with farms owned by women or within which women perform some independent activity was considered. The assumption is that this would be one of the ways to motivate counselors to adapt their work programs and support methods to the needs of the female rural population, which essentially contributes to the improvement of their position. The conclusions of the meeting are that all actors in this area should be involved in the creation of a suitable Competition or some other form of invitation to select and promote examples of good practice, in accordance with the previously stated assumption, and to establish cooperation, according to possibilities and opportunities. continue, and that the members of the project team are integrated and actively involved in its implementation.

The education started at 10:00 a.m. with an address by the organizer. After that, the activities were carried out according to the Agenda. From 13:30 prof. Dr. Mirjana Radovanović presented the basic results of the project related to the position of women in rural areas, with an emphasis on their views on the green transition and proposals for improving the position of women in the countryside.

The event was covered by Agro TV, and the report was broadcast on Saturday, November 9, 2024, in the “Agro afternoon” show. The video can be viewed at the link (from 37:57 – 46:30 minutes):