The project is a member of the European Stakeholder Platform for the Circular Economy and is therefore project manager prof. dr. Mirjana Radovanović was invited to the event


The Coordination Group (CG) is a key component of the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform (ECESP). Its members come from a broad spectrum of organizations and are responsible for enabling and implementing the Platform’s vision and activities. The mandate of the current CG will end in October 2025.

With a view to the future CG, the European Commission has published a call for proposals under the LIFE Program for the Environment and Climate Action (LIFE-2024-PLP, Priority 7). The call will fund a project intended to strengthen the CG’s role in advancing the transition to a circular economy, including circular business models (CBMs). The call is open to all. For more details on the call, see Priority 7 (pages 25-31) of the LIFE Call, and chapter 4 (pages 44-46) of the FAQ.


YouTube recording: